澳洲增資援助太平洋島國漁業發展澳洲總理宣佈,將增加協助太平洋島國提升未來食品安全及促進漁業經濟發展的經費;並額外提供太平洋島國480萬美元作為復育漁業資源之用。澳洲將連續四年資助太平洋島國推動內陸及沿岸地區漁房屋貸款業永續發展;推動工作包括監控真鯛資源及進行相關評估研究、強化區域內鮪類資源監控以提升島國管理能力。澳洲與太平洋島國聯手加強漁業管理及打擊嚴重威脅區域漁業資源永續發展之非法、無報告、不受規範作業(IUU)。該項增關鍵字廣告資案源自澳洲於2009年承諾四年內提撥2,420萬美元援助太平洋漁業發展。該資助案係澳洲計畫資助太平洋論壇漁業局(FFA)、太平洋共同體秘書處(SPC)等區域性漁業組織的工作之一。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 術後面膜17/2011 ,15 September 2011) ENHANCED SUPPORT FOR PACIFIC FISHERIESAustralian Prime Minister has announced that Australia will help the Pacific Island states to improve their food security and economic 澎湖民宿development by boosting funding for fisheries programmes. Australia will provide an additional AUD 4.7 million (US$4.8 million) to help Pacific Island countries maximise their returns from fish resources 網路行銷while safeguarding stocks for future food security. The funds will support sustainable fisheries for inland and coastal communities in the Pacific and will be provided over four years. Australia’s 酒店工作support will improve the monitoring and assessment of snapper stocks, and strengthen the monitoring of the region’s tuna stocks to support their effective management.Australia will work with Pacific 房地產Island states to support strengthened fisheries management and combat the illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing that poses a real threat to the sustainability of the region’s fish stocks. This 烤肉latest funding forms part of Australia’s commitment in 2009 to increase Pacific fisheries assistance by AUD 23.5 million (US$24.2 million) over four years. It builds on Australia’s ongoing support for 節能燈具regional fisheries organisations including the Forum Fisheries Agency and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

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